The universe kind enough to give me another chance to work with Chanel and it was for Valentine's day! I was at Coco Chanel Beauty, Fragrance, and Perfume Plaza Indonesia Boutique, February 13th - 14th 2018 from 2-5p.m. Unlike the previous event (The 10th Anniversary of Chanel Indonesia), this time Chanel's team was asking me to do the drawings using Procreate on iPad Pro for the guests coming and spending on their new gorgeous boutique and they can get their illustration version by me printed on the spot.

See following for the images I managed to capture.

workdeskMy Work Desk - So gorgeous!!!

workdesk-and-meMy Work Desk and Me

view-from-my-deskThe View from My Desk

Scroll more for the extras...

drawingDrawing One of The Guest

Thank you coming to my blog and see you again next time.

Yours Truly,